Sunday, December 27, 2009

Segelsen Ridge - December 23, 2009

Fresh pure snow, a peaceful quietness, and dramatic clouds and lighting made for a magical experience just two days before Christmas. If we weren't in the mood for the holidays before the hike we certainly were afterward.

Whitehorse Mtn.

Stylish footwear

Lunch break

Photo break

All grins

Friday, December 4, 2009

Huntoon Point - December 2, 2009

A last minute decision to switch destinations, to take advantage of warm temperatures and clear skies, was a good one. Huntoon point is always magical and everybody had a great day. An awesome first snowshoe hike of the season.John pauses at Austen Pass

Youthful Exuberance

Kathy won the prize for "Most Exotic" snow attire

It was warm climbing in the sun

Almost there

Clothing break

Almost Lunchtime

Starting to head back

Friday, November 6, 2009

Park Butte - October 28, 2009

Seven hours to do seven miles! It was hard work in the fresh snow. But there was plenty of early winter beauty to more than compensate for the effort.

These ptarmigans were very patient models

Gene keeps a stiff upper lip to match his stiff feet.

Ettie's all smiles. No surprise there.

We got a quick peek at the Middle Fork Nooksack

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maple Pass Loop September 30, 2009

Wow,what a difference a week can make in the weather this time of year! Last week we were at about the same altitude in shorts with temperatures in the mid seventies. Today we had traces of fresh snow and cold temperatures causing us to wear our gloves. The new snow made everything look so fresh. Another stunningly beautiful day!

Thinking about snowshoes