Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunshine Coast BC July 5-10, 2009

Kay and I returned to the Sunshine Coast for some R&R and some paddling. Our first outing was paddling from Hopkins Landing, near the Langdale ferry terminal, into West Bay on Gambier Island in Howe Sound. The second was from the North End of Halfmoon Bay around through Welcome Pass and into Smugglers Cove and back. Clear water and a low tide helped us to enjoy the marine life.

Entering Smuggler's Cove

Heading back

We couldn't get through here when the tide was low.

Pleasant spot for a break

Kay likes the calm water

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bowman Bay - July 2, 2009

Baker Lake Trail - July 1, 2009

The lake and the cool shade of the forest trees made this a pleasant hike on a very warm early summer day