Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blackcomb Trails, - August 18, 2011

While vacationing at Whistler I rode the chair up Blackcomb Mountain and hiked south into Garibaldi Park. it was a pleasant day with striking alpine scenery.

 Whistler Mountain and the "Musical Bumps"

 Western anemone

 Overlord Glacier

 The Black Tusk

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pine Creek, MT - August 6, 2011

I took the opportunity to hit the trail while in Montana to attend a wedding. I set out to reach Pine Creek Lake high in the Absaroka range. I had to turn back a mile short of the goal as I was running out of time to get back for the ceremony. It was worth it nonetheless as the trail was full of lovely surprises.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Yellowstone National Park - August 5, 2011

Kay and I passed through the northwest corner of Yellowstone Park while travelling between Big Sky and the Yellowstone Valley near Chico Hot Springs to participate in wedding festivities for some family friends. The Park was busy but it couldn't detract from the beauty.
Lower Falls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone 

 Madison River