Saturday, September 24, 2011

Grasshopper Pass - September 13 & 14, 2011

I thoroughly enjoyed my only backpack experience this year. Bob and I travelled south on the PCT from Hart's Pass to Grasshopper Pass where we set up camp and then explored the surrounding ridge tops. It was a beautiful evening.
 Azurite Peak with the Golden Horn in the distance

 Traversing Tatie Peak with Mt. Ballard in the distance.

 Playing "Name that Peak"

 The Needles and Tower Mtn. in the distance

 A "room with a view"

 The Golden Horn

 A great place for Bob and I to ponder "life's persistent questions"

In the fog; on our return the weather conditions matched our mental state.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hannegan Peak - September 7, 2011

It was a hot slog out but the views from the top were worth it.
 Nooksack Ridge

 Has anyone seen Julie Andrews?

 Ruth Mountain

Monday, September 19, 2011

Maple Pass Loop - August 31, 2011

Maple Pass Loop is among my favorite hikes because of the varied alpine landscapes packed into a relatively short seven miles. The wildflowers were the big surprise this time.

 Enjoying the side trip to Heather Pass

 Remembering Jim Futrelle

 Golden Horn in the distance

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Park Butte - August 24, 2011

I was finally able to give Bob a sampler of the North Cascades in decent weather. On his recent visit from Colorado he joined Terry, Judy, and I on a visit to Park Butte lookout. He enjoyed it.

 Room with a view

 Twin Sisters
