Sunday, July 29, 2012

Colchuck Lake - July 21, 2012

It was 14 years since I last visited Colchuck Lake. Then Lynnelle, Craig and I camped there before going up Aasgard and into the Enchantments. It's still just as beautiful. Craig joined me for this return hike.

 Craig Crossing Mountaineer Creek

 Colchuck Peak

 Colchuck Col

 Craig looks for hikers on Aasgard Pass

 Dragon tail Peak

Monday, July 23, 2012

Wedge Mountain - July 7, 2012

Wedge Mountain was my first adventure from our new Leavenworth base. Patrick and Emily joined me on this perfect day. Surprisingly there was virtually no snow at the nearly 6800 ft summit; quite a contrast to conditions on the western slopes of the Cascades.
 Patrick enjoys the view

 Patrick at the summit

 Trying to balance the camera for a group shot

Heading home

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Indian Island BC - July 27, 2012

Kay and I enjoyed a circumnavigation of Indian Island in Clayoquot Sound on our Tofino trip. It was in Tofino nine years earlier that Kay got hooked on paddling.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Vancouver Island - June 25-29, 2012

Kay and I spent 5 days camping on the West coast of Vancouver Island near Tofino in the Pacific Rim National Park with Brian and Lynnelle and the kids. Here's a sample of our beach adventures.

" Muscle Beach"

 Kay enjoys going barefoot

Luna draws a sea urchin in the sand