Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chuckanut Bay - September 16, 2012

It is always a joy to view the sandstone formations along Chuckanut Bay. Kay and I shared a warm relaxing evening with Peter and Nancy doing just that.

 Peter and Nancy examine concretions left by ancient palm trees.

 We had a pleasant picnic dinner at Teddy cove.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Colchuck Lake - September 5, 2012

I was excited to host my Wednesday hiking buddies at our Leavenworth base. Hopefully this was the first of many opportunities to enjoy some new east side trails together.
 Ready to hit the trail
Enjoying a break before the last push to the lake
 Judy ponders life, the universe, and everything

 Kay enjoys a  great lunch spot

 Mountaineer Creek
A refreshing break for hot and dusty feet.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Foss Lakes - August 25, 2012

It was good to get back on the trail with Craig, Drew, and Lyle. It was also good to get back to an area I hadn't been to in 35 years.
 Malachite Lake

 Pretty scary... you wouldn't want to encounter this in the woods.

 Copper Lake

 Testing the structural integrity of this log bridge
Trout Lake

Friday, September 14, 2012

South Shore Lopez - August 20 2012

Kay and I connected the dots between previous paddles with a one-way trip from Mackaye Harbor along the south shore of Lopez and finishing in Watmough Bay. It as a trip we had long wanted to make. The weather and water conditions couldn't have been better. It was one of those days on the water you didn't want to come to an end.
 Kay approaches Iceberg Point
 We gave the seals a wide berth  so not to disturb them
 Lunch break

 The Straight of Jaun De Fuca couldn't have been calmer

 Approaching Aleck Bay

 Approaching Colville Point and Castle Island
Kay approaching the beach at the end of our paddle. Home can be seen in the distance across Rosario Strait