Sunday, June 30, 2013

Saltspring Island - June 23 through 27, 2013

We made the best use of a rainy few days to enjoy the beauty of this special Island.
It was fun to share time with Brian, Lynnelle, Luna and, Grace
 We had perfect water conditions in Ganges Harbor.

Booth inlet

Eagle View Cottage

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lopez Island - June 19, 2013

We enjoyed a relaxing walk through parts of our latest National Monument.

 Judy gets closer to her subject

A view toward home

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Stuart Lake - June 15, 2013

It has been 17 years since my last trip to Stuart Lake. The mosquitoes were as bad as I remembered but the scenery seemed more beautiful. It was great to be on the trail again with Drew and Terrence.

Drew and Terrence are ready to hit the trail

Terrence gets the after lunch drowsies.

A dip in the lake perks him right up.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fourth of July Pass - June 12, 2013

The weather forecast called for showers but we only experienced sunshine and great views of nearby North Cascade peaks