Friday, September 27, 2013

Blue Lake - September 18, 2013

Fall was certainly in the air but the sprinkles were light and intermittent. The sun was also visible so we made the right decision to push a bit east.

 Hey look! blue sky

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Skyline Divide - September 11, 2013

A pleasant breeze and the altitude made a
the record warm day for the date quite pleasant
 Eric leads up the ridge.

 The last push to our lunch spot.

 Almost there.

 Terry and I did some further roaming.

 Heading back.

One last look from the ridge.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lake Josephine and Susan Jane - September 8, 2013

It had been 34 years since I had hiked this pretty stretch of the PCT. It hadn't changed much.
 Lake Susan Jane

Lake Josephine is the source of Icicle Creek

Craig enjoys a nap

Friday, September 13, 2013

Cascade Pass/ Sahale Arm - September 4, 2013

The weather forecast was iffy but it turned out to be a delightful day. Twenty years ago this month was my first time hiking Cascade Pass. Each time I return is still just as amazing as that first trip.