Thursday, December 31, 2015

Camas Meadow - Dec 29-31, 2015

Camas Meadow was a discovery for us soon after we acquired the Leavenworth property. It was attractive because it was close, was an easy walk, and had great views. It soon became a favorite haunt and a place we loved to bring guests. It's accessibility in winter and flat terrain make it an awesome snowshoe. This large meadow with its aspen grows is truly a magical place.

Youthful exuberance

Our tracks were visible from the ridge above.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

White Salmon Ridge - December 16, 2015

We scored another bluebird day with dry powdery snow. There was no wind either. We had a great turnout and everyone enjoyed themselves.
 Mt. Sefrit

 Mt Shuksan

 It's always an adventure descending the "ice fall" from the parking lot.

 Gearing up after lunch. No one was in a big hurry to get going.

 It's always a joy to relish the brilliance of sun and snow during the darkest days of the year.

 The connector trail was a winter wonderland.

Les gives Jolynn a hand over the top.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Bagley Lakes & Austen Pass - November 11, 2015

I didn't know what to expect as this was the first significant snowfall of the season. Still we had to go and find out.  We were itching for the white stuff as we more or less lost last winter for lack of It. It turned out to be a magical North Cascades snowscape.
Can you tell we were having a good time?

Kay's happy to be on snowshoes again.

Terry moves right along

Terry & Ron ponder the view downstream

Mt. Shuksan plays peek-a-boo

 Table Mountain

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Saddle Rock - November 1, 2015

Saddle Rock is actually administered by the Wenatchee Parks department and gets a tremendous amount of local use. However the views over the city and into the hills up to Mission Ridge are impressive. It's also steep gaining over 900 feet in a mile and a half. Kay and I will definitely do it again.

 Kay enjoys the view north up the River.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Winchester Mtn. - October 21, 2015

This is one of my favorite hikes. The views are stunning from the start and get better as you go up. It is also short so the effort is minimal. The road to the trail head is a challenge but for me it's part of the "charm". There were a number in the group who hadn't done it before and seeing their response added to the joy of the day.
 Tomyhoi Lake is nestled between Tomyhoi Peak on the left and Larrabee and the border peaks on the right.

 We explored the upper portion of the Silesia Creek Trail to get a few more miles.

 The "sketchy" part wasn't bad this year.

 Mt. Shuksan is framed by the twin summits of Goat Mtn.

 The view from the dining room couldn't have been better.

 Twin Lakes and the Skagit Range

The Pleiades from Skagway Pass