Saturday, June 27, 2015

Slide Lake - June 17, 2015

I had low expectations for this hike but I had a persistent curiosity to see this far north part of the Glacier Peak Wilderness. It turned out to be a gem. In addition to the sunny clear skies and pleasant temperatures of this flawless late spring day; there was a lush old growth forest of hemlock growing up and out of a centuries old moss covered rock slide, the clear waters of Otter Creek, and the picturesque lake the slide formed. If you haven't been there it's worth a visit.

There should be a pot of gold here somewhere.

 The shoulder of SnowKing Mtn. was visible in the distance.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wedge Mountain - June 13, 2015

This was my third, almost annual, pilgrimage up Wedge. Sat joined me for the first time. The views are 5 star and I hope to continue this as long as I have a vehicle that can make it to the trail head. The drive is half the adventure.
 Snow Lakes

Almost back to the car

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Excelsior Pass - June 10, 2015

It was fun to be this high in the Mt Baker area this early in the season. It also seemed very strange. None of us could recall a year with less snow this early in June.

 Bob and Terry nearing the peak.

 The flower show was already beginning.


Bob and I chose to make it a one way and descended the 3500 ft tp the highway. It was my first time on that trail.

Lanham Lake - June 6, 2012

This was the first time I have visited this lake when I wasn't on snowshoes and the trail wasn't covered with several feet of snow. It had a different feel but still a very pleasant hike.

Canadian Dogwood
