Monday, July 27, 2015

Old Snowy - July 23,24,25, 2015

It had been 20 years since I last hiked in the Goat Rocks and 40 years since my first visit. It is just as beautiful as I remember but still a very crowded, popular destination. I joined Craig and Drew for this 2 night outing.
 Western Anemone

 The Goat Rocks above the upper meadows of Snowgrass Flats

 Mt. Adams

 Mt. Rainier

 Goat Lake

 Craig on the PCT alternate on the north shoulder of Old Snowy

 Old Snowy summit

 Craig on the blasted ridge top on the PCT alternate

Mt. Ives and Curtis Gilbert from the summit of Old Snowy

Returning to the camp

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Boundary Way - July 15, 2015

This was new territory for me. Previously I had only hiked the first section to the meadow and that was nearly 20 years ago. The guide book write ups weren't too glowing and there are so many other great hikes in the area. This was a great surprise! It's relatively short on a good grade to stunning views on a knife edge ridge top. The meadows were awesome as well. I will definitely be doing this more frequently.
I can't recall a more impressive display of fireweed than we encountered here.

Kay in the lead

Jolynn on point 5685; Cowep Peak.

Everyone enjoyed our perch for lunch.

Kay likes her new poles.

Kay & Kay pause for one more view before the descent from the ridge.
Tommyhoi and the Border peaks in the distance.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hidden Lake Lookout - July 8, 2015

Haze from the many recent wildfires in Washington and BC restricted our visibility to distant peaks but the neighbors closer in still made for a grand show. and the wildflowers were simply outstanding.

 Wally making his way along the bench.

 Snowking Mountain