Monday, August 24, 2015

Anderson Lake - August 16 & 17, 2015

It was a very special treat to be able to share this time with Lynnelle and Luna. We had the whole Lake and surrounding meadow to ourselves. The low evening sun cast the whole place in those wonderful vibrant colors. Luna enjoyed exploring and feasting on blueberries. It doesn't get much better than this.

 A happy girl.

The view of Mt. Baker dominated the views and kept changing with the light.

 Luna really enjoyed her hot cocoa.

Heavy dew led to an interesting morning mist.

The instant oatmeal wasn't bad either.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Maple Pass Loop - August 5, 2015

We did the loop clockwise for a change. It really provided a different perspective.

Dave admiring Rainy Lake on the way up.

Jolynn's happy to be at the high point.

We all had a good time.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Green Mtn. - July 29, 2015

It was great to get back to this part of the Glacier Peak Wilderness. We're grateful for the reopening of the Suiattle road.
 Glacier Peak dominates the view to the Southeast.

 Dave and Terry enjoy the perfect lunch spot.

 A sea of North Cascade peaks lies to the North.

 Jolynn and Terry