Saturday, September 26, 2015

High Pass - September 23, 2015

Phil and I went up beyond High Pass to a  high shoulder off the south side of Mt Larabee giving us an expansive view of North Cascade peaks as well as an in your face view of the Pleiades. It was an awe inspiring perch.
Looking East

 Winchester, Goat, and Shuksan lined up to the South

 And of course, Baker

 The Skagit Range rises above Silesia Creek

 Phil returning along the ridge before our descent

 The view from the trail head was pretty special in it's own right.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lake Ann - September 16, 2015

The forecast was way off for a change so we had great weather. The views of Shuksan stole the show but everything else was beautiful as well. I forgot how stunning a setting this is and wonder why we don't do this hike more often.

 Kay joined us for the fourth time this summer.

 Kay arrives at the lunch spot.

 Dave and I head off for a little added explore.

 Mt Baker played peek-a-boo most of the day.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Skyline Divide, - September 9, 2015

The clouds were coming and going providing some drama and mystery to this classic ridge walk. 

 Dave enjoys the view from our lunch spot.

 Terry & Doug pause to take in the view

Mt. Shuksan played peek-a-boo most of the day.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Cutthroat Pass - September 2, 2015

We started out in the rain and we encountered some snow and low clouds along the way. But when we hit the pass the views were stunning and the return trip was warm and dry.

 It was a bit chilly at lunch. It was great to have Kay along.

Starting back down

 Pausing to enjoy the view one last time

This Western Larch was a harbinger of the fall ahead.

Kay and Kay crossing Porcupine Creek.