Friday, December 30, 2016

Camas (Once Again) - December 29, 2016

I was here by myself 2 1/2 weeks ago. This time I returned with Kay and friends to enjoy another beautiful winter day.

John, Kiffen, Kay, Sat

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Camas Land - December 10, 2016

I took the opportunity to get out on my own on this fine day. It made me full of anticipation for the adventures yet to come this winter.

Ponderosa pine bark against a deep blue sky is one of my favorite sights especially when there is fresh snow around.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

White Salmon Ridge - December 7, 2016

Snow has returned to the Cascades so I scheduled the first snowshoe of the season.The snow was perfect and the trail already broken. The sky was clear and blue and there was absolutely no wind. It couldn't have been better and everyone had a great time. I forgot my camera in the car however, but thankfully there were a number who shared their pics so I was able to compile this post.
Mt. Shuksan is such a dramatic presence, and I never tire of viewing it.

 It was 14 degrees Fahrenheit in the parking lot but with no wind it was quite comfortable.

The obligatory group photo

 Kay's all smiles

Mt. Sefrit

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Blue Lake - October 12, 2016

We chose to head to Blue Lake as we figured it was our last opportunity to enjoy the changing Larch. We were not disappointed. It was a delightful, crisp, Fall day.

 "It's a bird, it's a plane, no ..."

 Enjoying lunch in the sun

Friday, October 7, 2016

Slide Lake, - October 5, 2016

There was very little water left in the lake this late in the season but the moss, rocks and old-growth forest were interesting.

 Kay and Terry pose with sawed segments of a fallen hemlock. We were grateful trail maintenance was performed earlier in the season.

 Break time

 SnowKing Mountain was visible up-valley

We explored a bit of the "trail" heading up to Enjar but decided to save that trip for another time.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tiffany Mountain - September 22, 2016

This area of the Okanagan National Forrest was new territory for Kay and I. The larch were in their prime and the long views from the high meadow country were superb. We were a bit gassed at the summit as it was at 8245 ft.
Kay reaches the summit

The larch added some welcome color.

 Kay signs the summit register.

Rogers Lake