Sunday, February 28, 2016

Huntoon Point, - February 24, 2016

It was pretty close to a perfect day to do the primo snowshoe outing of our season. The snow was great and the clouds created a wonderful backdrop for the stunning alpine scenery

 Gerri and Eric take the cat track hill in stride.

 Pausing to count noses.

 Bob was all smiles.

 Reluctantly heading back

Kay leads the pack through the soft snow.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Hatchery Creek Road

Overcrowded parking lots at the summit and the Nordic Ski area forced us to look for an alternative. Hatchery Creek Road proved to be a worthy backup. It is a snowshoe I would definitely do again.
Testing the strength of the lake ice

 Our destination was a pretty little lake a short ways off the road. It apparently is unnamed; at least it didn't have one on any of my maps.

A PBR toast to the memory of Jim H.

Terrence making his way through the remnants of the 2014 Chiwaukum Creek fire.

 Terrence, Mark, and Ron were inspired by the view and the sunshine.

 The Wenatchee River and Hwy. 2 snake through the Tumwater Canyon below us

 Icicle Ridge


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Kauai Trails, January 2016

Kay and I took a break from the NW winter with our first trip to Hawaii. The highlight was sharing time with friends on Kauai. We enjoyed doing a couple of hikes with them.
Kay on the Mah'ulepu trail on the south shore

There were many beautiful waterfalls in Waimea Canyon.

It was easy to see why Waimea Canyon is often called the Grand Canyon of Hawaii.

The Pihea Trail in Koke'e St. Park was high above the Na Pali Coast.

The Kalalau Valley

Bob Kay and Judy take in the view down to the Na Pali coast.

Bob at the Pihea Viewpoint

Bob and Judy returning to the trail head.