Monday, May 30, 2016

Eightmile Lake - May 27, 2016

Eightmile Lake travels through the aftermath of a couple of major fires; one from the early "90s" the other from 2012. It's an interesting study in forest recovery. It's also a great flower hike and a great early season high country outing.

Dragontail and Colchuck Peaks in the distance

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sulphide Creek - May 11, 2016

The showers held off long enough for us to enjoy this lush forest walk into a corner of North Cascades National Park
Sulphide Creek with Mt. Shuksan and the Sulphide Glacier in the background.

Ron, Gene, David and Jolynn


"We're here, so now what"

Kathy crossing a log bridge

Friday, May 6, 2016

Patterson Mountain - May 5, 2016

We got an early start, for us, hitting the trail at about 6:50 AM, This turned out to be a much more interesting and diverse walk than we imagined from just looking at Patterson Mountain from the road. This was an excellent time of year as we were able to experience wildflowers in abundance.
 The balsamroot and lupine seemed like they ere on steroids.

 The trail began at the Patterson Lake boat ramp. The lake was placid.

 Aspen leaves

Young Aspen grove

 Kay pauses to enjoy the view of the lake and up the Methow Valley.

Kay "stile'n"



After the hike we enjoyed a great breakfast at Sun Mountain Lodge.