Saturday, October 22, 2016

Blue Lake - October 12, 2016

We chose to head to Blue Lake as we figured it was our last opportunity to enjoy the changing Larch. We were not disappointed. It was a delightful, crisp, Fall day.

 "It's a bird, it's a plane, no ..."

 Enjoying lunch in the sun

Friday, October 7, 2016

Slide Lake, - October 5, 2016

There was very little water left in the lake this late in the season but the moss, rocks and old-growth forest were interesting.

 Kay and Terry pose with sawed segments of a fallen hemlock. We were grateful trail maintenance was performed earlier in the season.

 Break time

 SnowKing Mountain was visible up-valley

We explored a bit of the "trail" heading up to Enjar but decided to save that trip for another time.