Friday, July 28, 2017

Sauk Mountain - July 19, 2017

It had been five years since I last went up Sauk. The meadows were as gorgeous as ever. The trail up from the lake is getting longer however.
 View along the summit ridge with Glacier peak in the distance.

 The Sisters and Mt. Baker.

Bob pauses to enjoy the Valley view.

 The Sauk Lake meadows were a riot of color.

Bob ponders having to go back up.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lake Wenatchee - July 14, 2017

Kay and I enjoyed introducing our Leavenworth neighbors, Michael and Kathy, to the hidden bays at the upper end of Lake Wenatchee. We enjoyed calm waters, mild temperatures, and grand views.
 Kathy took this picture of me enjoying the view up the White River Valley to Glacier Peak.

 Dirtyface Mountain

 We explored a ways up the Little Wenatchee River until the mosquitoes got too annoying.

We enjoyed the perfect lunch log.

Chuckanut Bay - July 8, 2017

Kay and I enjoyed this opportunity to introduce Drew and Laura to one of our favorite paddle spots. It was a glorious afternoon and evening.

 Heading for Chuckanut Island

On the island we found just enough sand to beach the boats and a sunny rock to enjoy our dinner.

 Kay running the "pylon course"