Saturday, September 23, 2017

Carne Mountain - September 20, 2017

It was the last full day of summer but it didn't much feel like it. A fresh dusting of snow had fallen the night before and scattered snowflakes were falling at the elevations above 6000 feet. Virtually all the flowers were gone. This was the first time for me on this trail. It was quite lovely and worth the effort even if I did turn around before attaining the summit.

 Chiwawa Ridge

 Buck Mountain

 Phelps Ridge

 Phelps Ridge, Spider Gap is the notch center-left

 Carne Mountain

 The Larch were plentiful above the basin but had not yet begun to turn.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cascade Pass - September 13, 2017

I never tire of this hike. It deserves its reputation as a classic.
Pelton Basin from the Pass

 Sahale Peak above Doubtful Lake

 Phil and I shared a perfectly adequate lunch spot.

Stehekin Valley

Heading down, reluctantly