Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Northrup Canyon - November 19, 2018

This hike will be among the most memorable hikes in a year of memorable hikes. The interesting basalt geology, the solitude, interesting history, and low angle sunlight combined to make this a magical outing.
The old Northrup homestead.

I soloed this hike and I encountered no one else the entire day. I had the canyon to myself. No other cars were at the trail head when I arrived and when I came out. The solitude was wonderful. there was no wind. The calls of a view birds were the only sounds other than my footsteps.

Northrup Lake

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Saddle Rock - November 18, 2018

Kay and I were joined by Kathy and Michael to enjoy the sunshine and good visibility from the top of Saddle Rock. We dressed for cold temperatures but had to de-layer as there was no wind and we got warmed up climbing the steep south facing trail up.
Kay, Kathy, and Michael pause to contemplate the view north.

 Wenatchee and the Columbia River spread out below us.

Heading Down

Friday, November 2, 2018

Gee Point - October 24, 2018

I had been wanting to try this hike for a number of years. It seemed a bit short to justify the drive to get there. It also was advertised as a bit of a bush-wack and scramble. Consequently It was difficult to find folks interested in joining me. Finally a not so exiting scheduled hike, a marginal weather forecast. and Jolynn and Dave's willingness to join me got me up there. In spite of the clouds and fog we were not disappointed. We're definitely going back next year on a clear day. 

"Hey, there's a lake down there

 Imagining what the view might look like.

Before the summit scramble

 This beautiful little meadow was an interesting feature on the ridge.


 Gee Point Lake