Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Hidden Lake - December 30, 2019

Brian, Sat and I enjoyed a pleasant time together on the Hidden Lake trail.
It was significant for me as it was the first snowshoe of the season but also the last of the year and the decade. It was great to be with old friends and to reflect on what a wonderful journey the last decade has been.

The Three Amigos

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cooper River & Lake, October 6, 2019

This was a blue bird Fall day and a perfect hike for a leisurely outing with the family. I had done this hike once before but it was 43 years ago! 

 "Stick men"

Bode enjoys a relaxing lunch.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Maple Pass Loop - September 11, 2019

 Neil, Yvonne, and I pose for the obligatory photo at the pass.

 Lake Ann

 Alix and Yvonne with Corteo Peak in the background

 View East from the 6580 ft high point of the loop on the shoulder of Frisco Mountain

High above Hwy. 20

Friday, September 6, 2019

Railroad Grade - September 4, 209

This was my first time hiking in the high country around Mt Baker this summer. It was good to be back. We were blessed to be hiking under clouds most of the day which kept us cool. Nonetheless the mountain was always visible in bright sunshine so we had great views.

Jolynn pausing to take in the view.

The marmots were plentiful.

The Twin Sisters

 David enjoys a comfortable rock.

 The Easton Glacier recedes a bit more every year but is still an awe inspiring sight.

We feasted on mountain blackberries in the meadows.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Little Wenatchee River Gorge - August 30, 2019

This delightful section of the Little Wenatchee River is often overlooked and makes an excellent short hike when it's crowded elsewhere. We did this on a Friday of a Labor Day weekend and  we were the only ones on the trail. There was no one camped in the campground at the trail head either.

 The water was crystal clear.

Kay and I trying to identify a passing bird.