Friday, July 31, 2020

Fidalgo Bay - July 30, 2020

This paddle was a pleasant way to beat the heat on a warm summer afternoon. It was also  nice to have a socially distanced visit with our good friends Bob and Judy.

We saw a number of harbor seals with pups along the bay.

No wake? ... no problem

Old Deception Pass Quarry Site - July 29, 2020

This was a corner of Deception pass state Park I had never visited before. Terry guided me to some of the few artifacts still visible from the century old quarry operation on the Fidalgo island side of the Pass. the views were dramatic.
The fog lifted to reveal this dramatic view of the bridge.

 Hoypus point

Remains of a 23,000 gallon fuel storage tank.

 Cornet Bay

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Burrows & Young Islands - July 20, 2020

Kay and I paddled in our own "back yard" on this blue bird morning. We launched at Cabana Park and explored the east side of Burrows and circled Young before returning home for lunch. The water was glass. Kay and I loved the leisurely pace.
 We paused at Alice Bight to check out the condition of the marine campsite.

 We encountered  a number of harbor seal moms and pups.

 Kay rests in Peartree Bay.

 Kay approaches Young Island

 View west from Young; Allan Is. on the left, Burrows on the right. Lopez in the far distance.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

White River Trails - June 28, 2020

These were new trails for me. The highlights were a lot of old growth cedar and a raging White River. To also be with our kids and grand kids made for an especially magical experience, in spite of the mosquitoes.

Tree huggers

Grandpa and Bode share a special moment watching the water.

Hugo enjoyed the lunch spot

Oma loved being with the grands and the trees

White River Falls

Emily views the falls up close