Sunday, October 25, 2020

October Fun in Leavenworth - 2020

White River at start of the Indian Creek trail

"Thunder Clan" taking a break on the Swauk Discovery Trail

Icicle River at the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery.


Jack Creek

Michael and Kathy's place at the end of the rainbow.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Dakota Creek - October 22, 2020

I don't paddle from salt water up creeks or rivers very often so it was a treat to to cap this awesome paddle year with a journey up Dakota Creek. It was also great to have Brian join me. It seemed an appropriate Halloween environment.

Brian maneuvers around one of many obstacles we encountered in the creek.

Passing Under I-5

We enjoyed the fall color.

Our exploration was ended when we arrived at this sizable obstacle blocking our way.


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Maple Pass Loop - September 28, 2020

 It was an absolutely perfect blue bird day. Kay had wanted to do this hike for quite some time and i was thrilled to share the day with her. She did awesome. I was so proud of her.

Lake Ann

This was my tenth time doing this classic loop. I don't recall a time with better weather. I was so happy for Kay's sake.