Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Cashmere Canyon - November 28, 2021

 Kay and I had been wanting to hike here for some time. Emily and the boys joined us to work off some of the Holiday calories. We only hiked the Nahahum Trail to Crossroads. I'm anxious to come back in the Spring and do the loops.

It was unseasonably warm with temperatures near 60 degrees.

Kay finishes strong

For a short video of of a fun-filled Thanksgiving week with family and friends click below:

Monday, November 15, 2021

Ancient Lakes - November 8, 2021

We had the Coulee to ourselves this Monday. The sun was warm with little wind. It was great to share this special place with good friends Bob and Judy.

Fall color was still in play


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Palisades East Trails - October 16, 2021

This hike was the final activity of Kay, Grace, and my Atlanta trip. It was a spur of the moment call after our canoe trip was canceled. It was a worthy alternative.


Monday, October 18, 2021

Blue Lake - October 6, 2021

We got our yearly Larch fix with our almost annual hike to Blue Lake. We hit it at its prime.

It was a chilly lunch.

Kay and Kay head back to the car still enjoying the amazing display of color.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ingalls Creek - September 11, 2021

 We hiked a bit over two miles up the trail where we found a delightful place for lunch on the river. The water was so fresh and clear, the sky blue and the temperature comfortably warm. We all just entered the timeless beauty of the space. It was hard to leave.
Kathy ponders the scene

Gentleman Michael clears the way for the ladies

Kay settles in for lunch

Kay's assessment of the day