Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Jacobson Preserve & Saddle Rock - March 27 & 30, 2021

Kay and I discovered a new trail for us in the sage hills above Wenatchee which we shared a couple of days later with Em and the boys. On that adventure we one-wayed it through the Preserve to the Saddle Rock TH which was quite enjoyable.

Kay levitates her pole while checking her personal device.

The boys enjoyed scrambling on the rocks.

Grandpa enjoyed hiking with Hugo.

For the complete set of pictures click here:

Friday, March 19, 2021

Mt. Erie - March 17, 2021

I decided to do Mt. Erie via the south scramble route with a return over Sugarloaf as a conditioning hike. It was that all right. I struggled a bit on the climb but it caused me to slow down a bit and appreciate the view.

Campbell Lake with Skagit Bay in the distance

Blossoming skunk cabbage declares spring is on it's way. One of my favorite sights.

The route goes along a number rock outcrops wth great vies below.

Glacier Peak and Three Fingers were visible in the east.

The famous view from the summit.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

White Salmon Ridge - March 12, 2021

 It was exactly a year and a day ago that I last snowshoed here. It was the last group snowshoe I organized. Those in our carpool that day were wondering out loud if it was wise for us to be together in a car with the growing concerns about COVID. It was just a few days later that the governor imposed the "stay at home stay safe order". So it was with some joy that the first time I shared a car ride with a non-family member in months was to return here and enjoy the beauty of the North Cascades.

Mt. Shuksan makes it's own weather.

Brian decides its time to remove a layer.

Mt. Sefrit and Nooksack Ridge

Ron descends through the trees.

Brian enjoys comfortable temperatures for lunch.

Gray Jay

Mt. Ruth

The jays were not happy with our lack of provision.

Mt. Sefrit

The dynamic duo: each twice vaccinated but still playing it safe.

Ron greets Frosty with a high five.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Kukutali Preserve - March 11, 2021

 One could feel spring in the air on this fine afternoon. Kay and I lazed on the midden beach at the end of Flagstaff Island and enjoyed watching the oyster catchers.

Skagit Island in the distance

There's a fine driftwood collection on the tombolo joining Kiket and Flagstaff Islands.

Glacier erratic?

The flowering current was another harbinger of spring.