Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mt. Erie - April 29, 2022

Brian and I were looking for a bit of a challenge so chose to take the south scramble route up. We did fine but may be getting a bit old for that kind of thing. Normally, the highlight for me on this route are the many rock and grass ledges encountered along the way, each with big views to nearby lakes, the Salish Sea, and the Olympic and Cascade Mountains. But this day it was abundant wildflowers that captured my attention.

Campbell Lake

Camas and Spring Gold

Avalanche Lilly

Brian enjoys a well deserved lunch break

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Ollala Trail - April 22, 2022

We were a bit early for the epic balsam root display but there were signs that it was on it's way. There were other blossoms to enjoy and the views of the Wenatchee Valley and the Stuart range beyond were stunning in the late afternoon sunlight.

Looking down on Cashmere

The wind was blowing hard out the ridge.


Texas Hill Country, Part 2: Enchanted Rock Summit - April 7, 2022

 This large, bare, granite dome rises from the surrounding countryside of live oak forest, providing distant views.

The Kays contemplate the best route

Buzzard's Roost

Nearing the summit

On top

Moss Lake

Making our way down

To see a full collection of photos from our Texas trip click the following link:

Texas Hill Country, Part 1: Hamilton Pool - April 7, 2022

 Hamilton Pool is a collapsed grotto caused by erosion of sand and shale layers from underneath an upper limestone layer. The revealed limestone remains create fascinating shapes.

Bald Cypress trees thrive in the relative wetness of the canyon below the pool.

Kay and Kay negotiate a narrow place in the trail.