Saturday, December 31, 2022

Orchard Snowshoe - December 30, 2022

 One of the many pleasures afforded by the our Leavenworth home is the ability to snowshoe right out the back door and into the pear orchards adjacent to our property. Sat, Manju, and I enjoyed such an outing in excellent snow conditions.

Fresh tracks leading home

Monday, December 26, 2022

Washington Park Snowshoe - December 20, 2022

Kay and I took advantage of a relatively rare opportunity to enjoy Washington Park covered in snow. We were able to snowshoe from the house. It's magical to see this familiar haunt transformed in white.


The San Juans' kissed with snow

Moments before Kay's boots disintegrated

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Icicle River Snowshoe - December 11, 2022

 Kay, Kathy, Michael, and I enjoyed the sunshine, fresh snow, and good company on this pleasant late fall day

Heading home

Michael shows off his new gloves

We enjoyed a colorful sunset later, back at the Lodge.

The next day we enjoyed the view of Wedge on the river walk