Thursday, March 30, 2023

Guemes Island Beach Walk - March 25, 2023

 Kay and I wanted to go for a Saturday afternoon walk. But Where? Spur of the moment we decided to walk on the next ferry to Guemes Island. We had a blast just across the channel from home.

The wetland at Peach Preserve

Oregon Grape

Yellow Bluff

Bellingham Channel with Cypress Is. in the distance

Chunks of peat fallen from the cliff above


We had a delightful meal at the Guemes General Store.

Anacortes' working waterfront

The ferry arriving to take us home.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Artist Point - March 17, 2023

 This is, hands down, my favorite snowshoe destination. Yet, for various reasons, this was my first time back since 2018. We had a perfect day for it and the snow depth was amazing. I was in my happy place!

Reaching the ridge top

Bob is all smiles

David and I enjoying the view

Table Mountain

Packing up after lunch

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Ancient Lakes - February 19, 2023

The snow was hard and crusty in Leavenworth so we opted to hike where there wasn't any. It was a good call because we enjoyed bright sunshine and no wind here in Potholes Coulee. The temperature hit 60 degrees Fahrenheit even while most of the lakes still held ice.

This was new territory for the Larson-Pahls and the Palmers. They loved it and are planning a return.

The sky was absolutely magical.

We encountered remnants of a lost indigenous  tribe. They were as curious about us as we were about them. 

We had a stellar lunch spot