Monday, October 30, 2023

San Juan National Monument, Lopez Island - October 21, 2023

 We got up at 0dark thirty to catch an early ferry. It was overcast with no rain. Regardless of the clouds we had a wonderful explore. It was fun sharing one of our favorite haunts with Peter.

Iceberg Point

Waking up on the trail

We're all smiles at the 1908 Monument

Peter calms the seas

It was hard going for artificial knees

Watmough Bight

X marks the spot

Castle Island from Point Colville.

If trees could tell stories

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Dusty Lake Overlook - October 4, 2023

We stopped by the Quincy Lakes unit of the Columbia Basin Wildlife Area on our way back from Sage Cliffs Resort to take the short walk to the overlook of Dusty Lake. We had the place to ourselves. Upon returning to the cars we were asked to leave the area as they were closing it for the season.

It was warm on the way back to the car.


Frenchman Coulee/ Gingko State Park - October 3, 2023

Warm temperatures, blue skies, and golden hillsides made this an enjoyable day.
Frenchmen Coulee

View from our yurt at Sage Cliffs Resort.

Wanapum Lake

Gingko State Park