Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Cain Lake - August 12, 2024

Kay and I were curious about this lake since driving by a few times over the years. It proved to be a very pleasant after dinner paddle. The lake is situated a few miles NE of Alger

Abundant Lotus flowers were a surprise highlight of the paddle

The launch sight was a convenient State owned property requiring a Parks Pass.


Little Cranberry Lake Paddle with Bode - August 8, 2024

Bode wanted to go for a paddle and I was more than happy to oblige. I picked Little Cranberry because it is a safe, confined space we had a great time together.

Bode, ever the character

Rafted up for a snack


Monday, August 5, 2024

Bagley Lakes - August 2, 2024

Kathy and I decided to make it a "twofer" by taking a quick trip out the Bagley Lakes Trail.

We had to stop by Picture Lake for one last iconic picture of Mt Shuksan


Artist Ridge Trail - August 2, 2024

 It was great fun to expose Michael and Kathy to this iconic place in the North Cascades.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Watmough Bay Paddle - July 19, 2024

 It had been 12 years since Kay and I last paddled in this special part of Lopez. It felt good to be back. It was also our second paddle of the week; something we haven't done in a long while.
The view toward home.

The bluffs of Chadwick Hill rise dramatically out of the bay.

Life's a beach