A beautiful beach and bluffs were the highlights of this hike. One couldn't help but envy the students on the nearby campus.
Bob enjoys the seascape
The USCB campus from across the lagoon
A beautiful beach and bluffs were the highlights of this hike. One couldn't help but envy the students on the nearby campus.
Bob and Judy took us on a couple of hikes in local Santa Barbara Canyons. The first was on Mission Creek in the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and the other along San Roque Creek on the Arroyo Burro Trail.
Kay and I flew into Santa Barbara and immediately drove up to Monterey for two nights. It is a delightful coastal community.
It dumped again the previous night and the morning broke clear with glorious sunshine. So we had to grab the snowshoes and get out in it. We drove up the Icicle to the closed Bridge Creek Camp Ground and followed the River. It was magical; a perfect snowshoe.