Thursday, August 27, 2009

Salt Spring Island, Part1: Southey Bay to Secretary Islands, Aug 16, 2009

South Secretary Lunch spot. Wallace Island nearest in background

Kay between North and South Secretary

Nice carvings at Jackscrew Island Home

Sandstone Jack 'o' Lantern

Salt Spring Island, Part 2: Chain Islands, Ganges Harbour, August 17, 2009

Perfect water for an enjoyable "Dinner Cruise"

Kay approaches Deadman Island with Third Sister in the distance

Clear water over white shell beaches give a tropical feel

Chocolate Beach on Third Sister is a popular destination with the locals

Dinner on the Beach

Kay pauses by Goat Island

Kay and I dawdle on the way home enjoying the evening light

Mr./Ms. Swan has the right of way

Salt Spring Island, Part3: Long Harbour to Prevost Island August 19, 2009

Ron explores James Bay on Prevost

Kay relaxes in Selby Cove

Near Annette Point, Prevost island

Annette Inlet

Floating guesthouse

The water was glass crossing Captain Passage on the return to Long Harbour

Nose Point

Kay enjoys photographing lawn chairs

Kay is also fascinated with jellyfish