Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Mormon Lakes" - August 5-7, 2013

Brian & I joined forces for a three day one way trip through the "Mormon Lakes" region of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area. The approach up Chatter Creek was challenging but the beauty that awaited us along the western end of the Icicle Ridge trail was worth every bit of effort to get there. 

Crossing Chatter Creek on the "Gerald Ford"

Taking a break at the top of the ridge.

Western Anemone

Grindstone Mt. with Mt Cashmere in the distance.

Lake Edna

Ladies Pass. Smoke from the French Creek fire in the distance. 

Grindstone Mt.

Upper Florence Lake

Mary's Pass

Glacier Peak

The Flowers were stunning.

Lake Margaret

The aftermath of a vicious mosquito attack.

Our last lunch break along the Icicle River.

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