Friday, June 22, 2018

Desolation Peak - June 13, 2018

After two very pleasant days hiking to Lightning Creek Camp, day three, the day we planned to ascend Desolation Peak, proved to be the poorest weather wise. There were low clouds, wind and sporadic showers all day with just enough breaks to keep us hopeful and moving upward. There was even a momentary sun break at Desolation Camp where we ate our lunch. So we pushed on for the last mile to the summit. With a half mile to go and in sight of the lookout the trail was lost in snow. At that point the clouds, fog, and rain enveloped us eliminating our visual reference point. We waited some time for a break but  conditions just deteriorated. With over six miles of hiking ahead of us to return to camp we reluctantly decided to turn around. 

Although the view were limited this proved to be a nice flower hike.

The lookout was visible behind Brian and Dennis just a moment before this picture was taken

Breaking through the clouds on the descent

Back at Lightning Camp, Dennis was done for the day.

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