Sunday, September 2, 2018

Enchantments Through-hike - August 24, 2018

It had been 21 years since I first hiked the Enchantments on a five day back-pack trip. I have been planning a return since we have had the Leavenworth place. I won an overnight permit last year only to have to give it up due to an injury. After failing to win a permit in this years lottery the girls and I decided we should try do do the whole thing in a day with a day use permit. We almost had to scratch this attempt as well because of smoke. But when the day finally arrived the smoke cleared and we set off. It was a grueling but magical day.
Dragontail Peak above Isolation Lake

Colchuck Lake and Dragontail peak. Aasgard Pass to the left of Dragontail.

The boulder field at the far end of Colchuck was our first challenge.

Colchuck Lake from partway up Aasgard.

Emily and I taking a break on the climb up Aasgard.
It was very slow going for me.

 Topping Aasgard

Lynnelle and Emily enjoying the view from the top.

 "We made it!"

Prusik Peak

Descending to Inspiration Lake.

 Perfection Lake with Little Annapurna in the background.

 Sprite Lake

 Leprechaun Lake.

 Above Lake Vivianne

Lake Vivianne

The Temple above Nada Lake.

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