Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ingalls Creek - September 11, 2021

 We hiked a bit over two miles up the trail where we found a delightful place for lunch on the river. The water was so fresh and clear, the sky blue and the temperature comfortably warm. We all just entered the timeless beauty of the space. It was hard to leave.
Kathy ponders the scene

Gentleman Michael clears the way for the ladies

Kay settles in for lunch

Kay's assessment of the day

Indian Creek - September 9, 2021

 The next day Kathy & Michael joined us for this delightful trail along the White River to where Indian Creek joined it. This gem is virtually all in the Glacier Peak Wilderness and contains many old growth cedars and hemlocks.

The White River was nearly opaque from the glacial till from high above on Glacier Peak. It gave the river a blueish green tint in the filtered sunlight.

Kay tries out the the new replacement bridge spanning Indian Creek.

Indian Creek

My turn

Icicle Gorge Trail - September 8, 2021

This was the first of three river hikes Kay and I did in four days. They were the perfect antidotes for the hot, dry summer we've had. Some Fall color was emerging as well.

Kay caught this cloud reflection in a side channel of the Icicle.


Monday, September 6, 2021

Coffin Rocks/ Sares Head - September 4, 2021

 This day was the last Kelp survey of the season for Coffin Rocks. Water conditions were perfect so at the conclusion of our survey work Bob and I headed north around Rosario Head and up along Sares' head looking for sea stars and enjoying the dramatic cliffs.

Lynne joined us again for our final survey

Rosario Head


The rugged twisted rocks of the high cliffs rise abruptly from the sea. They make a  dramatic backdrop to the paddle.

One of three Ochre Sea Stars we spotted on the rocks. That made my day.

Gull Rocks