Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Siginaka Islands Kayak - May 20, 2022

Our good luck with weather continued for this kayak excursion to the Siginaka Islands north of Sitka. Kay was challenged by being in the bow position. But other than that we had a great first paddle of the season

The dock and cabin pictured was where we were ferried too begin our paddle

It was Kay and my kind of water

Finding a Sea Star did my heart good.

Mt. Edgecumbe in the distance


Moose Meadow, Chilkat Inlet Alaska - May 18, 2022

 This was a pleasant 5.5 mile round trip hike to a broad meadow along Chilkat Inlet a short distance from Haines. About ten of us chose this excursion from the Viking Orion. It was great to get out moving on a trail.

A delightful Lunch spot

Noah, Our guide and bus driver. Definitely a mellow fellow.

Davidson Glacier

Abundant skunk cabbage reminded Kay and I of Home.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Kenai Fjords National Park - May 14, 2022

This was the first excursion on our Viking Alaska Cruise. We couldn't have have clearer weather and calmer water conditions. This pristine Wilderness was truly stunning.

Aialik Bay was glass

Aialik Glacier

Chiswell islands, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge

Stellar sealion haul-out