Monday, August 7, 2023

Teton Family Adventure Part 1: Rendezvous Mt. Trails - July 17, 2023

 We rode the tram from Teton Village to the top of Rendezvous Mountain at 10,455 ft. We then split into groups to hike and scramble at our own ability and comfort levels. We all relished this beautiful alpine experience.
Brian and Lynnelle beginning their hike. Patrick Emily, Hugo and Grace scrambled to the summit in the center of the photo

This selfie by Patrick captured well the enthusiasm of the clan for the adventures ahead.

Patrick can be seen waving above after they scrambled to the ridge top.

All smiles after making the summit

Grace, Emily and Bode on the way down

Approaching Green River Overlook.

Bode with Aunt Lynnelle

It was Brian and Lynnelle's 18th Anniversary 

The Grand Teton in the distance

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