Friday, June 28, 2019

Saddlebag Island - June 24 & 25, 2019

 Saddlebag is a short paddle from Anacortes and can be seen from a number of vantage points around Fidalgo and Padilla Bays. Notwithstanding, I had only been out there once before. It seemed too close. However, it proved to be a peaceful world apart; a worthy destination. It was great to have Bob join me.
 View of Lummi Island from the north bay.

 Dot and Hat Island were close off Saddlebags Southeast shore.

 Our campsite on the north bay.

 Passing between saddlebag and Dot.

 Returning to our campsite after an afternoon explore.

 The view from the islands south side included the refineries on March Point; a somewhat unsettling reminder of our proximity to industrial Skagit County.

We circumnavigated Huckleberry Island on the way back to Anacortes

 Bob rounding the South east tip of Guemes island.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Lime Kiln Trail - June 19, 2019

This was our first time on this trail. The historical aspect of this hike makes it interesting. It was fun trying to imagine the steam engines puffing through this canyon high above the Stilly. The rail excursion to the old Lodge at Big Four must have been a real adventure.

The trail followed the old Railroad grade for the last couple of miles above the river.

Relics from bygone logging operations could be seen scattered around.

The water was low enough to allow access to a cobble beach.

 More relics of a bygone era.

Banks Lake Archipelago - June 3, 2019

I have been drawn to these islands since I first saw them last November when I paused at the lake after hiking Northrup Canyon. They are Ice Age floods exhumed granitic rock which form a magical labyrinth just north of Steamboat Rock. The contrast with the surrounding basalt cliffs is striking.
Kay and I were joined by good friends Michael & Kathy who were as entranced by this unique environment as we were.

Steamboat Rock in the distance.

 Kay and I loved the fragrance that accompanied the visual beauty of this bay.

Castle Rock rises in the distance.

Steamboat Rock loomed above us as we rounded the lower end of the archipelago.

 The complete set of pics from our adventure can be found at the following link: