Friday, June 28, 2019

Saddlebag Island - June 24 & 25, 2019

 Saddlebag is a short paddle from Anacortes and can be seen from a number of vantage points around Fidalgo and Padilla Bays. Notwithstanding, I had only been out there once before. It seemed too close. However, it proved to be a peaceful world apart; a worthy destination. It was great to have Bob join me.
 View of Lummi Island from the north bay.

 Dot and Hat Island were close off Saddlebags Southeast shore.

 Our campsite on the north bay.

 Passing between saddlebag and Dot.

 Returning to our campsite after an afternoon explore.

 The view from the islands south side included the refineries on March Point; a somewhat unsettling reminder of our proximity to industrial Skagit County.

We circumnavigated Huckleberry Island on the way back to Anacortes

 Bob rounding the South east tip of Guemes island.

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