Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Leavenworth Winter Fun, Feb - March 2020

This post compiles other misc. fun times with family and friends while enjoying our Leavenworth cabin this winter. It's poignant because these were the last outings there before the Covid-19 "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" directives went into effect. We are anxious for the day when we can again gather in person, there or anywhere.
 Kathy, Michael, Kay and I enjoyed a Valentines Day at Blewett Pass on the Swuak Discovery trail.

Break time. Diamond Head in the background.

 Luna cools off.

Later that weekend we hosted the Bellingham crew and their friends the Palmers.
We enjoyed a walk along the White River in light snow flurries.

 March 14th I took a solo walk along Ingalls Creek. Social Distancing guidelines were already in place.

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