Sunday, May 10, 2020

Staying Home on Fidalgo Island - Spring 2020

In a time of Staying Home and Social distancing it's hard to imagine a better place to call home than Fidalgo Island. With miles of trails in the A.C.F.L. and Washington Park and miles of Salish Sea shoreline, there are plenty of opportunities to get outside that are absolutely beautiful and not overly crowded. In this post I have included some pics from three different paddles with our good friends Bob and Judy. Appropriate social distancing was maintained!
Enjoying perfectly calm waters on Burrows Bay. 

Approaching Alexander Beach

"Elsie Mae" has been an attraction this year during her annual molt.

 Heading East on Guemes Channel

 Paddling along Cap Sante Head

Dakota Creek Shipyard is the center piece of Anacortes' working waterfront.

 Rosario Strait below Sares Head

Rosario Head

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